Been a while without post and entry for about 1 1/2 months. Alhamdulillah, completed my 3rd semester and alhamdulillah all subjects passed.
I should walk proudly like this cat...~hahahahahah. I may continue my journey to the last semester (hopefully) and graduate on time together with my besties, you know who you are ~ I love You~
Went through Ramadhan, alhamdulillah, managed to survived even during summer time and continue to celebrate Syawal. Hope not so late to wish "Selamat Hari Raya!!"
Attending training during Syawal plus, on weekends its not a good idea either. However, resposibility has to be carried out. 1 adn 1/2 days with trainign from PFS's people runs well. Introduction on the PFI environment and we had good time in trying out almost all functions available in PFI. However, training environment not as easy as parallel or live environment. However, the training session did help me out in running my daily activities and I do experience stucked in middle of my work. Introduction and induction session with PFI happened not so good. On the 1st day, I was stucked and puzzled in doing on certain job in PFI as the fuctions and locations of certain ribbons not as same as in PAM. Some of the applications was to complicated especially when to queue and run jobs.
I should be more erergetic and confident as this cute baby...
To not think negative all the way during the parallel week, I believe, there are a lot of things should I study futher especially in getting familiar with PFI applications that related to daily tasks. So far, I had no experience yet in doing funds closing, hope this "Introduction week" allows me to be more deeply understanding about PFI. I do hope PFI might contribute more in downsizing my workload and eliminate the manual jobs.
Hope to hear any good news about PFI soon, perhaps this new enhancement system may reduce a lot of manual works and more systematic workflow involve. The success path in my way.
Goodluck for my parallel week on PFI, all the best for my final semester as MBA student. Pray for the best and I could end this well. In shaa allah, AMIN...lets together " I can Do This "